Girls Hairstyles

Top 5 Girls Hairstyles Complete Guide for Special Events 2022

The hairstyle is a basic part of the personality. Without a lovely hairstyle, the whole personality will vanish out. Today in this article our topic is “Girls Hairstyles” which are trending these days in the fashion world and we are posting Top 5 GIRLS HAIRSTYLES. Usually, girls are confused while selecting a perfect hairstyle according to their hair type and face shape. Which will be the right Hairstyle for my hair? This is a common question that is asked by girls.

It is just because of plenty of new hairstyles and girls want to get the most charming style among all of them. Girls can easily get rid of this confusion by focusing on some essential points. If girls select a hairstyle according to her hair type, for example, if she has curly hair then there are numerous hairstyles which we are going to discuss in this post that are perfect for curly hair.

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In Pakistan long, medium, and short hairstyles are common. But before selecting one of these hairstyles a girl must notice her hair type and the shape of her face. For round-face girls, hairstyles are quite different as compared to those who have square faces. However, if you are still confused in taking a decision about your face shape and hair type then these are the Top 5 GIRLS HAIRSTYLES that look perfect on all types of hair and face shapes. These inspiring hairstyles are the best among all hairstyles.

If we look around all the girls don’t have the same round faces. Some girls have straight and some have small faces whereas some girls have huge face shapes. Hence we have to present some such hairstyles which can be easily adopted by all types of girls having whatever face shape or hair type.

Top 5 Girls Hairstyles 2022 ideas

Hence some famous hairdressers who are well known for their hairstyles worldwide have introduced these famous hairstyles. We will discuss these hairstyles in detail and we have also posted pictures of these hairstyles below.


If you have long hair then a ponytail is perfect for your hair. In this style, you not only get a new stylish look but also makes the shape of your face round. Having a braid with a new hairstyle will highlight your personality in society and the crowd. In general, those girls who have the huge faces or have round faces shapes can get more attraction with this hairstyle.

This style is just made for such huge girls. These days Messy steed is trending in western countries. This classic Messy steed is also the shining part of a ponytail hairstyle. So, the ponytail is the first among the Top 5 GIRLS HAIRSTYLES. Let’s take a look at other hairstyles.

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Curly Hair Best Among All

Those girls who naturally got curly hair are very lucky. A big reason behind this truth is this many famous celebrities and personalities have curly hair and they love them. You will get surprised after knowing that girls having straight hair pay much to their hairdressers to make their hair curly. Short curly hair looks very impressive for teenagers. It is a very popular fashion to put short hair on shoulders having huge curls.

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Smooth Waterfall Hairstyles

Long is the dream of girls. Hence, in this case, there are various hairstyles that add charm to the beauty of long smooth hair. Girl’s hair after adopting a long hair hairstyle looks like a waterfall. In classic history, long hairstyles are preferred by ladies just because of their fashion. Releasing your hair in freestyle having combed well and shinning like pearls will look marvelous.

After making some strands from long hair you can mix these strands with each other to make different styles as you desire. With a lovely waterfall hairstyle, you can also put a strand charm in the hairstyle.

Strands With Long Hair

Many girls use their own minds to make a new hairstyle for their own hair. Hence they usually make strands from their hair and combine them in such a new way that it look like a new hairstyle. Here we have also posted some such hairstyles.

Half Up-do Style

In this style the girl allows her front hair to come on her face and give them a lovely look. You must have watched it many times that girls have one or two strands when these come to their face it looks very gorgeous.